Banks & Financial Institutions

ECI keeps a keen eye on undertaking strategic alliances with key stakeholders to develop bespoke investment insurance products in order to enhance the ability of insurers and financial institutions in the country to support UAE exporters.

Through its large ecosystem of strategic financial partners, ECI offers financial support to the international export activities of SMEs through banks guarantees—helping businesses get access to funding and ensure business continuity.

Loss Payee

This solution allows ECI to name a partner bank as the Loss Payee or the joint-insured in order to attain additional financing for the UAE business aiming to tap new opportunities from new large buyers. By guaranteeing the bank—the loss payee—coverage and protection in case of non-payment or other risks associated with exports, ECI offers the business access to additional funding to continue their global operations.

To know more, email us at [email protected] for your credit insurance needs


ECI protects partner and financial institutions with a comprehensive insurance solution pertinent to obligors’ payment default. Factoring companies, or those that specialises in invoices from businesses that have cash flow problems, can benefit from ECI’s factoring insurance service by acquiring larger transactions and increasing the volume of transactions without recourse. It also enables them to avoid admission of risky operations.

To know more, email us at [email protected] for your credit insurance needs

Letter of Credit Confirmation

ECI covers banks that add confirmation to an irrevocable letter of credit (LC) against the risks associated with payment default of the issuing bank. This LC must be connected to goods or services originating from the UAE and to be exported to any global destination. This may also apply to importation of strategic goods and equipment.

To know more, email us at [email protected] for your credit insurance needs

Surety Bonds

ECI protects public and private clients in case a contractor or a service provider fails to fulfill contractual obligations, which typically result from financial dissolution or technical issues.

To know more, email us at [email protected] for your credit insurance needs

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