We Take Your Worries Away

8 out of 10 companies in the region are dealing with unpaid invoices, causing 25 percent of companies’ closures. We protect businesses from customers’ non-payments arising from commercial and political risks, allowing companies to grow their trade with confidence.

We Help Your Business Grow

With ECI’s global network of more than 360 million businesses worldwide, businesses can leverage on our extensive market intelligence to drive better strategic decision-making in venturing into foreign markets.

We Share Our Market Knowledge

With a global network of more than 360 million businesses worldwide, businesses can leverage on ECI’s extensive market intelligence to drive better strategic decision-making in venturing into foreign markets.


How Does Trade Credit Insurance
Protect Your Business ?


Our Solution

Exporters & Re-Exporters

Business continuity is guaranteed with ECI, as it offers an in-depth line of credit insurance solutions that help protect companies against losses, covering commercial and political risks. Among the commercial risks that ECI can provide protection from include buyer’s insolvency and non-honouring of contracted obligations.

Exporters & Re-Exporters

ECI's project financing solution helps protect investors as well as secure their foreign investments against non-commercial and political risks related to the host countries—including political disturbances and currency convertibility issues, among others.

Through its large ecosystem of strategic financial partners, ECI offers financial support to the international export activities of SMEs through banks’ guarantees—helping businesses get access to funding and ensure business continuity.

ECI keeps a keen eye on undertaking strategic alliances with key stakeholders to develop bespoke investment insurance products in order to enhance the ability of insurers and financial institutions in the country to support UAE exporters.

ECI has always been staunch in its mandate to bolster its international relations in order to enhance trade opportunities for the country’s export sector—striving hard to establish close ties with various institutions in order to strengthen UAE businesses in line with the vision of the UAE’s leaders.

Exclusively designed for small and medium enterprises, SME Protect helps companies increase their global presence in highly competitive markets through a cost-effective and easy-to-access solution that allows them to move on from the limiting and traditional Letters of Credit or cash payments terms, towards the most updated sales on open credit terms.

ECI Islamic offers Shariah-compliant export credit insurance and guarantee solutions in order to strengthen halal exporters in the country, as well as facilitate the development of new and innovative products that contribute significantly to positioning the UAE as the global leader in the Islamic economy.


Our Partners

To provide a solutions that meet local and international growth targets, ECI builds a comprehensive platform of strategic partnerships across government, insurers, re-insurers, brokers, banks and lenders, regional and international export credit agencies (ECAs), governments and trade promotion agencies in addition to world organisations for economic development.